The Purpose of Math SBA

Projects in Mathematics will help students to recognize that Mathematics is a cultural pursuit; it is a language that pervades every culture. Projects will help students gain the following skills:
1.      Read and think critically
2.      Detect flaws in arguments
3.      Construct viable arguments
4.      Identify risks
5.      Make logical decisions
6.      Test anecdotal evidence for reliability
7.      Proficiency in oral and written communication
Therefore, an SBA Project will help students to answer the question, “When am I ever going to use Mathematics?”
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition that students should learn Mathematics in such a way that they can see its relevance in the real world.  The Mathematics SBA Project has now become an essential part of the CSEC Syllabus and constitutes 20% of the final CSEC Examination.
The SBA Projects require the students to:
1.      Select a problem for research from the real world.
2.      Select the relevant Mathematics topic from any part of the syllabus in order to research and investigate the chosen problem.
3.      Write a clearly explained, logical and sequenced project that satisfies certain guidelines stipulated by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC).

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