Step 5: Use Diagrams to present Data

This is a very important part of the project where, the student presents the data that he/ she has collected. Generally, readers are not keen on reading through long qualitative presentations of data and are more inclined to peruse diagrams since diagrams, usually summarize large amounts of data.

Hence, after collecting and organizing qualitative data, the student must present the data using at least two carefully labelled diagrams.

These can be statistical diagrams such as: • Frequency Tables • Bar Graphs • Pie Charts • Comparative Bar Graphs • Histograms • Frequency Polygons • Cumulative Frequency Curves.

The following is an example of the Presentation of Data for the sample project:

>>>The frequency table and the cumulative frequency table show the waiting time in minutes that the one hundred (100) students spent waiting in line at the cafeteria.<<<

The students must also present the appropriate Mathematics concepts used to arrive at the research results. All mathematical results must be presented accurately using appropriate formulae.

Here, the following results can be calculated and presented: • mathematical mean • mode • range • area • volume • profit • loss • Hire Purchase price

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